Servicios Náuticos Gasolinera Marinería Varadero Marina Denia
Servicios Náuticos Gasolinera Marinería Varadero Marina Denia

Name of the company: MARINA DE DENIA

Commercial activity: Management of the nautical and sport area
Contact person: Recepción
Address: Dársena Babor s/n, 03700 Dénia (Alicante)
Telephone Number: 966424307
Email: mar@marinadedenia.com
Website: www.marinadedenia.com

It provides Regulated Training

This company accepts Interns


Marina de Denia is a marina and tourist port located in Dénia, a town form Alicante, whose coasts are bathed by the Mediterranean Sea. The marina offers services for both boats and visitors. Marina de Dénia is the natural maritime link between the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, as the distance to the island of Ibiza is only 60 nautical miles. Marina de Dénia is located 112 km from Valencia airport, 103 km from Alicante airport, you only have to take theexit 62 (Ondara) on the AP-7 motorway.
Marina de Dénia has organised the Dénia Boat Show since 2007, a nautical fair that counts among its exhibitors with the main firms of the sector and where the latest novelties of the market can be found.


Marina de Denia was opened in 1997 and was built from scratch. Today it is one of the most important ports on the coast for its connection with the Balearic Islands and for its excellent services and attention. The director of Marina de Denia is also the president of the Agrupación de Puertos Deportivos y Turísticos de la Comunidad Valenciana and the current president of the Federación Española de Asociaciones de Puertos Deportivos y Turísticos.

Servicios Náuticos Gasolinera Marinería Varadero Marina Denia


Servicios Náuticos Gasolinera Marinería Varadero Marina Denia

The Marina de Dénia is where the Dénia Maritime Training Centre is located, which offers all kinds of professional courses related to sailing and the sea.

It offers the following services:

  • Mooring
  • Toilets and Showers
  • Sports
  • Petrol Station
  • Seamanship
  • Ship Reception
  • Nautical Services
  • Dry Dock

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