Grants and Subsidies Information

Información ayudas subvenciones emprender náutica

Grants and subsidies for entrepreneurship in the nautical sector

On this page, you will find a wide range of information about grants and subsidies for entrepreneurship in the nautical sector. We want to guide you and help you to find in a simple and quick way the grants and subsidies you need to start an activity in the sector. Thus, you will be able to find some search engines for grants and subsidies that may be useful for your nautical project.

We need grants and subsidies to start a business activity.

Starting a business activity seems an arduous task, but when the first steps are taken on each of the procedures, the task becomes easier to carry out. This is especially true if you seek advice on entrepreneurship from the many specialised organisations.

Ask for personalised advice from Creama

One of the main drawbacks when starting abusiness is the lack of funidng, which can be a major obstacle in order to develop a business project.

Fortunately, there are grants available for starting up a business that can be applied, depending on the needs of each entrepreneur. Thus, you can find: aid for self-employment, for women, for young people and for the creation of innovative companies.

Información ayudas subvenciones emprender náutica
Información ayudas subvenciones emprender náutica

– Contribution rebates.

They are available for unemployed people and for those registered as job seekers in the Public Employment Services, to help them set up as self-employed workers.

Bonificaciones en contratos

  • Find out more about the subsidies you can apply according to your needs and conditions:

- The Single Payment - Capitalisation.

The Single Payment or Capitalisation is an aid for the start-up of entrepreneurial projects. Its objective is to generate self-employment. Su objetivo es generar autoempleo.

The necessary requirements to obtain this payment are::

Información ayudas subvenciones emprender náutica

Formulario de solicitud Pago Único

  • Link to the application form for the Single Payment, or Capitalisation.
información ayudas subvenciones punt nautic

– Aids for the promotion of employment:

Rebates in social security contributions for recruitment in the following cases:

  • Temporary period. When a worker is on paternity, maternity or breastfeeding leave, he/she can apply for this aid, which completely subsidises the social security contribution, for a minimum period of one month.
  • Family conciliation. When you have to take care of children under 12 years of age or disabled dependents, for 12 months, the social security contribution can be reduced by 100% if the contract is indefinite, and 50% if it is partial.
  • Recruitment of family members, 2nd degree of consanguinity, and a reduction of 50% for the first 18 months.
  • Rebates for interships.

Ayudas al fomento:

  • Link to the LABORA website, to find out about open grants or subsidies.

– ICO Financial aids.

The ICO offers several support tools available to finance both investment projects and the liquidity needs of the freelancers and companies. For the distribution of these products, the ICO acts in collaboration with the credit institutions added to each of the lines. The ICO provides the funds and the institutions are responsible for processing, studying and approving the operations under the conditions established in the lines.

Información ayudas subvenciones emprender náutica

Página de información para ayudas financieras ICO.

  • ICO Companies and Entrepreneurs /  ICO Guarantee SGR/SAECA /  ICO Commercial Credit.

Official search engines

información ayudas subvenciones punt nautic

1- National website to help entrepreneurs.

The Database of Aid and Incentives for Companies is an initiative of the Idustry Directorate-General and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, which gathers the efforts of public administrations and their bodies to encourage, maintain and develop economic activity and entrepreneurship. It is fed by the announcements of the official newspapers: European, state, autonomous, provincial and local newspapers; to which information from official bodies that publicise by other means is added.

All measures in the form of subsidies, credits, tax incentives or guarantees, among others, are included. The search offers this information at three levels of detail. On the first level you will get a list of grants or incentives according to your search. If you select a specific aid, you will obtain a file with the most relevant information. Finally, you can access the complete document with more detailed information and the text of the call.

  • Sistema Nacional de publicidad de subvenciones. This search engine displays the information provided by grantors.

2- Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition.emprendimiento ayudas iniciativas empleo autónomo marina alta

Aids and subsidies that you can find on the website of the Conselleria de Agricultura, Medi Ambient, Canvi Climàtic i Desenvolupament rural, related to fishing. In this link, you can also find information related to fishing, fishing policies, data on the sector, aquaculture, recreational fishing, professional diving, etc...

Información ayudas subvenciones emprender náutica

Información sobre pesca.

  • Conselleria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Emergencia Climática y Transición Ecológica

3- Other search engines…

  • Sistema Nacional de publiciemprendimiento ayudas iniciativas empleo autónomo marina altadad de subvenciones. This search engine shows the information provided by the grantors of subsidies.
  •  Information on all calls for grants and Información ayudas subvenciones emprender náuticasubsidies in the field of the Ministry, as well as specific grants and subsidies for Fishing, classified by subject.
  • Generalitat Valenciana, if you are looking for an información ayudas y subvencionesaid for companies, for the promotion of employment. It is a search engine for all the aids and subsidies you can apply for.


  • The Ivaj (Instituto Valenciano de la juventud), is an organismo Ayuda subvención ocupación Marina Alta. of the Generalitat Valenciana, which manages independently a set of programmes and actions towards the concession of aids and subsidies, promoting the associationism.

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